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Global patient experience of paramedic practice

02 March 2019
Volume 9 · Issue 1



Paramedics occupy an ever-increasing role within healthcare and the development of this role should be informed by the voice of patients. This systematic literature review seeks to explore patient experience during a paramedic intervention.


Using a ‘state of the art’ review style, a systematic search was conducted of the literature published between 2006 and 2018. Following PRISMA guidelines, a total of seven articles meeting the inclusion criteria were identified. A definition of experience which incorporates several dimensions was used to frame the search.


Three themes were identified, with the available literature focusing mainly on satisfaction. Satisfaction is improved through certainty and clarity of the progression through treatment and is high among patients of paramedics.


Our understanding of patient experience in paramedic interventions is largely limited to an understanding of satisfaction. While this may provide some useful insights, other facets such as the lived experience and physiologic aspects are underrepresented in the current evidence base.

Paramedic practice globally transects across primary, secondary and sometimes tertiary healthcare (Crilly et al, 2015). Although no globally accepted role accurately defines what or who a paramedic is, this role has established itself in most developed healthcare systems (particularly in the UK, commonwealth countries and parts of the US) (Tippett et al, 2008). Developing this role to recognise and respond to the needs of patients requires a deep understanding of what patients experience when being attended to by a paramedic.

The purpose of this systematic approach, undertaken using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines (Moher et al, 2009) and Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP) tools (CASP, 2017), is to present current evidence related to the patient experience of paramedic care. This review was conducted with literature sourced globally, but limited to English language papers.

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