
Appropriateness of oral clopidogrel for prehospital STEMI management

A combination of literature reviews and study trials were examined to investigate the appropriate use of clopidogrel in the prehospital environment....

Practitioner experiences in epidemics and pandemics in relation to COVID-19

The authors used the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) guidelines (Moher et al, 2009) and screened articles...

Does cricoid pressure have a detrimental impact on laryngoscopy and intubation?

The PubMed and Cochrane Library databases were searched with the following search terms: (((cricoid pressure) OR sellick)) AND (((((rapid sequence...

Tranexamic acid and international ambulance services

A literature search was undertaken in August, 2019, using EBSCO Host, ProQuest and PubMed databases. Two search strategies were adopted: the first...

Improving motivation for self-directed training in Danish EMS personnel

The Zealand Region in Denmark has around 832 500 inhabitants (Statistics Denmark, 2017). Even though healthcare is a public responsibility, the...

A description of a unique paramedic role in a Canadian emergency department

Paramedics are clearly well suited for employment in the ED. The role offers a novel way to improve patient care in a system that has been hamstrung...

A novel approach to problem-based learning in a paramedicine programme

The educational design for this course was progressively reviewed and improved over a 3-year period. The senior lecturer in the course and the...

Global patient experience of paramedic practice

‘The sum of all interactions, shaped by an organization's culture, that influence patient perceptions across the continuum of care.’ .

Work integrated learning in Vanuatu: student perspectives

‘[Professional practices] are manifest through … ethical conduct, professional decision making, client-practitioner communication, consultation and...

Exploring empathy levels among Canadian paramedic students

The aim of the current study was to assess empathy scores of first and second year paramedic students at Fanshawe College in Ontario, Canada. The...

Burnout in Australian paramedics

Job burnout has variously been described as having components of ‘emotional exhaustion, depersonalisation, and reduced personal accomplishment’...

Education and clinical professional development in Penang, Malaysia

Pre-hospital care is an interprofessional and intersectorial service that transects many areas of health care. Emergency health care has not been...

Student international learning experiences in Cebu, Philippines

There were seven respondents to the survey, all of whom completed it fully. Of these, 57.1% were female; 85.7% were aged under 25 years old (the...

Contributions to public health around the world

Ambulance services play a unique role in any healthcare system, but the services will differ from country to country. As we know it in the UK,...

Incidence, response, and outcomes of cardiac arrest in Portland, Oregon

Cardiac arrest exhibits wide variations in incidence, response, and outcome across regions as a result of its multifactorial nature (Nichol et al,...

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