
Challenges and changes with COVID-19: Canadian paramedics' experiences

This research study focused on gaining a better understanding of the lived experiences of paramedics throughout the initial stages of the COVID-19 outbreak..

Thermal comfort during emergency transport by ambulance services

Ireland is situated the north-western seaboard of the European continental shelf. The weather is mainly influenced by the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf Stream giving it a mild, temperate climate, mainly...

Identifying cardiac activity using focused ultrasound in non-shockable arrests

A systematic literature search was undertaken between 22 February and 1 March 2021. Two databases, PubMed and ScienceDirect, were searched using keywords relating to the review and combined using...

Emergency practitioners' motivations and acceptance of COVID-19 vaccination

A cross-sectional survey was distributed to assess attitudes of prehospital practitioners towards the COVID-19 vaccine, as well as their underlying reasons to receive or defer vaccination..

Trauma education and training for healthcare providers: a scoping review

The scoping review framework was based on the guidelines of Arksey and O'Malley (2005), which are intended to address broader topics and different study designs. Furthermore, Cooper et al's (2021)...

Racial disparities in emergency care for seizures in the United States

Emergency medical services (EMS) personnel form the foundation of care for patients in the prehospital setting. However, the level of care they can provide is not uniform.

A review of cases received by the Nepal Ambulance Service over one year

A retrospective hand search of the NAS database, which holds a digital record of the calls received and attended by NAS, was carried out..

Focused ultrasound in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest by advanced paramedics

Of the total number of OHCA emergency calls attended by the LAS for 2018, 1444 were also attended by an APP. The numbers of patients who underwent FoCUS were similar to those who did not (744/1,444:...

Practitioner experiences in epidemics and pandemics in relation to COVID-19

The authors used the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) guidelines (Moher et al, 2009) and screened articles by their title, according to inclusion and...

The role of the paramedic in identifying modern slavery

You are called to attend a heavily pregnant woman in her 20s complaining of abdominal pain..

Does cricoid pressure have a detrimental impact on laryngoscopy and intubation?

The PubMed and Cochrane Library databases were searched with the following search terms: (((cricoid pressure) OR sellick)) AND (((((rapid sequence induction) OR RSI) OR intubation) OR laryngeal) OR...

Prehospital unfractionated heparin prior to primary PCI

A literature search was conducted from August to September 2019 to identify articles relevant to prehospital UFH administration prior to PPCI. The EBSCO Host (Health) group of journal databases (which...