Leadership & Management

Identifying effective paramedic leadership skills

A literature search using Medline, PubMed and Scopus with the keywords ‘Emergency Medical Services’, ‘Paramedic’, ‘Leadership’, ‘EMS’, and ‘Leadership Transition’ found few articles about the...

Sir Roger Bannister: pioneer of the cardiovascular autonomic nervous system

To the world, Sir Roger Bannister was known as the first man to run a sub-4-minute mile. However, he worked in medicine for 60 years while, in his words, he ‘ran for about eight’ (Graham, 2018). With...

Reforming the paramedic profession? Two weeks with paramedics in Germany

This article aims to provide a perspective of emergency care in Germany and the paramedic profession in times of change, alongside future expectations among staff and in politics. It outlines the...

Disruptive innovation: barriers, opportunities and differences internationally

In the UK, paramedics emerged from ambulance staff in the mid-1970s (Baskett et al, 1976; Briggs et al, 1976). They were trained to provide advanced resuscitation using invasive techniques that were...

Language barrier and its implications for practice in Kuwait prehospital settings

Findings from the three focus groups were combined, resulting in three main themes:.

JUST Paramedic Conference 2018

This keynote presentation highlighted shared ambitions and collaborations between Monash University and the Jordan University of Science and Technology (JUST). This collaboration continues to...

JUST Paramedic Conference 2017

Delivered by Professor Brett Williams, Department of Community Emergency Health and Paramedic Practice, Monash University, Victoria, Australia..

Contributions to public health around the world

Ambulance services play a unique role in any healthcare system, but the services will differ from country to country. As we know it in the UK, ambulances serve the dual roles of providing both...

Crisis Resource Management in emergency medical settings in Qatar

The population of Qatar is in excess of 2.6 million (76% male versus 24% female) (MDPS, 2016). Almost 90% of the country's population comprises expatriate workers, who reside in the capital city,...

The homeless community: breaking down the barriers to primary care

Being homeless and sleeping rough is sadly not a new phenomenon. The numbers of homeless people all across England have been increasing over recent years (Crisis, 2016; DCLG, 2016) and a research...

Clinical handover between paramedics and emergency department staff: SBAR and IMIST-AMBO acronyms

Handover is also referred to as ‘handoff’, but for the purpose of consistency, the word ‘handover’ will be used throughout this article..

Student Paramedics Australasia Conference inspires, educates and motivates delegates

This year's event kicked off on Friday 3 September with a number of pre-conference workshops..