Leadership and Management

Looking at contemporary pre-hospital trauma care systems

Trauma is a common cause of death in underdeveloped, developing and developed nations. In developed nations such as Australia, injury from suicide, transport accidents and unintentional falls...

Interprofessional education: looking at the principles

The principles of IPE draw on the IPE literature, an evidence base, as well as the experience of healthcare professionals and the Centre for the Advancement of Interprofessional Education (CAIPE). The...

A model to embed clinical simulation training during ambulance shift work

Providing simulation training at the roadside for ambulance staff is equivalent to facilitating ‘in-situ’ simulation for hospital staff. In-situ simulation is to be understood as providing...

Effect of low dose high frequency training on paramedic cognitive skills

This pre post-test quasi-experimental study was conducted over one year (2009–2010) to examine the effects of low dose, high frequency instruction (10 minute monthly refreshers) on the retention of...

Standing up for paramedic practice

‘…[the] vision of the Paramedic Association of Canada is to have paramedicine recognised in primary health care.’.

World Extreme Medicine Conference and Expo

‘The talk, like many others, was illustrated with several, often gruesome pictures, many from the speaker's own personal experiences which really brought the subjects to life’.

Evaluating the impact on 911 calls by an in-home programme with a multidisciplinary team

One of the current issues facing the health care system in the province of Ontario is the inappropriate use of acute care beds. The Ontario government created 14 Local Health Integration Networks to...

Disaster training: lessons learnt from the 2008 Sichuan China earthquake

China is a country frequently affected by both natural and man-made disasters. For the last ten years, the Sichuan earthquake in 2008 and the Qinghai earthquake in 2010 accounted for the first and...

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