role evolution

Reforming the paramedic profession? Two weeks with paramedics in Germany

This article aims to provide a perspective of emergency care in Germany and the paramedic profession in times of change, alongside future expectations among staff and in politics. It outlines the...

Disruptive innovation: barriers, opportunities and differences internationally

In the UK, paramedics emerged from ambulance staff in the mid-1970s (Baskett et al, 1976; Briggs et al, 1976). They were trained to provide advanced resuscitation using invasive techniques that were...

Internationalising paramedic practice

‘It's been one of the best experiences of my life.’ .

Contributions to public health around the world

Ambulance services play a unique role in any healthcare system, but the services will differ from country to country. As we know it in the UK, ambulances serve the dual roles of providing both...

Why are patients only conveyed to the hospital?

Healthcare delivery in the United States is a network comprised of disparate sources. Large systems of clinics and hospitals carve out regions and serve large populations. Burgeoning Accountable Care...

Accountable Care Organisations fund the gap—how to get community paramedic programmes paid

The American Academy of Family Physicians (2014) defines an ACO as:.

Australian paramedic graduates transitioning into UK NHS ambulance services: what are the potential challenges?

University paramedic programmes in Australia and the UK commenced as early as 1994 in Australia (Fields, 1994; Lord, 2003) and 1998 in the UK (Carney, 1999). The transition of paramedic education and...

The development and history of the paramedic profession in Israel

Israel has a national EMS system—Magen David Adom (MDA). MDA is a non-governmental, non-profit organisation that works as a standalone corporation by law. MDA was established during the First World...

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